Golf Travel Service

Salma Salah
Managing Director

Head Office :
Add     : 07 Abdallah Ebn Taher, Nasr City
              Cairo - Egypt
Tel.      : +20 26703754/45/59
Fax      : +20 26715794
Mobile : 010 140 1833
E-Mail   :


I have the pleasure to introduce Golf Travel Service.
We can organize all your travel arrangements:

  • Airline tickets at unbeatable fares.

  • World wide hotel reservation, train reservation & Nile cruses.

  • Travel insurance.

  • Visas assistance.

  • Outgoing individual tours.

  • Transfer services.

  • Door to door delivery.

  • VIP handling.

We look forward to doing business with you

Please accept dear sirs, my best regards.

Managing Director

Salma Salah